Merchant Accounts For Ticket Agencies & Brokers
An Overview
The Best Merchant Account For Hard To Place & High Risk Businesses In The Ticket Broker Industry
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are common questions specific to ticket broker merchant accounts:
What types of ticket sales industry businesses do you accept?
Soar Payments accepts a wide range of ticket broker industry businesses. These include traditional ticket agencies, brokers and box offices, as well as online ticket sale businesses. Brokers may sell tickets to family and children’s performances, dance recitals, musicals, plays, live theatre events, concerts, public events, conventions and comic-cons, music and heritage festivals, and of course sporting events of all kinds (football, baseball, basketball, soccer, etc.)
To be approved, your ticket broker business must prove it can maintain a chargeback ratio below 2%. Applicants with a history of chargeback ratios exceeding 3% cannot be approved. Additionally, your business must be located, and operate, solely within the United States of America. The business owner must also be a US citizen or valid visa holder.
Finally, brokers and agencies may be asked to provide copies of their contracts with third parties; and clear refund and shipping policies must be published on the business’ website.
Does a Soar Payments merchant account allow for payment of an advance reservation or ticket order? How about preauthorizations?
We understand that it is important for cash flow and operational reasons that your ticket agency business be able to accept advance payments. A Soar Payments merchant account will allow for payments for up to one full year in advance of a given event. Reservations or deposits may not be transacted in excess of one year in advance, and transactions may not have a payment plan that exceeds 12 months.
Merchants may preauthorize a customer’s card within their gateway or terminal of choice, and settle the full payment after the service is fulfilled. We highly suggest that all merchants communicate this process to their customers, and obtain payment authorization agreements, to avoid any false chargebacks due to the customer trying to avoid covering the payment.
What types of ticket broker merchant accounts does Soar Payments offer?
Soar Payments offers a full-spectrum of merchant services to ticket brokers and online ticket sales businesses. These include:
- Retail: A retail merchant account enables businesses to accept face-to-face debit and credit card payments via a traditional credit card machine or point of sale system.
- Mobile: A mobile merchant account enables your business to accept face-to-face credit and debit card payments via a swiper (included with each account) that plugs into your mobile phone or iPad.
- Virtual Terminal: Also called a payment gateway merchant account, a virtual terminal enables businesses to accept payments over the phone, via mail, or typed into a computer (without needing other equipment).
- eCommerce: An eCommerce merchant account allows you to accept credit card payments via your website’s online shopping cart.
Want more information? Click here to read our extended list of our FAQ.
Our friendly Customer Support Team is standing by to approve your application
Questions? (888) 225-9405
Accept Retail, Mobile, Virtual Terminal or eCommerce Payments
Retail Payments
Retail businesses can choose from a traditional credit card terminal, wireless, or point of sale system. Whatever you choose, our retail merchant accounts will have you accepting credit and debit cards faster, and for less.

Mobile Payments
Want “on the go” mid or high risk credit card processing? Our mobile pay options are for you. Choose between iPad or mobile phone credit card swipers, compatible with both iPhone and Android devices.

Virtual Terminal Payments
Accepting payments over the phone, mail or typed in on your laptop is easy with our virtual terminal merchant accounts. No equipment needed. Just log in to your virtual terminal, and type in the customer’s credit card.

eCommerce Payments
Selling online? Our easy to use payment gateways are compatible with, and simply plug in to most major shopping carts. Our mid and high risk merchant accounts are streamlined for eCommerce businesses.

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